Through interviews with those who've walked this rocky path, we've compiled insights for our latest heyTrain post, highlighting the crucial areas where onboarding often falls short and exploring how companies can navigate these challenges more effectively.

The Door That Stayed Closed

Sarah's first day at a new job was less than welcoming. "I stood outside the office for 20 minutes, waiting for someone to let me in," she recounts. This experience wasn't just about physical access; it symbolized a deeper issue of preparedness and welcome—or the lack thereof. "It felt like they weren't ready for me, which made me question my decision to join them," Sarah adds. This story is a stark reminder of how crucial it is for companies to ensure a smooth start, extending a warm welcome to their new hires from the moment they arrive.

The DIY Desk Saga

For Romain, the first day brought an unexpected challenge: assembling his own workspace. "I thought it was a joke at first," he says. "But when I realized they were serious, it made me wonder about the company's readiness to integrate new employees." This task, seemingly trivial, reflected a lack of organization and consideration, setting a discouraging tone for his new role.

Conference Room Limbo

Sebastien's story takes a turn towards the absurd, as he found himself without a workstation or the basic tools to do his job. "I spent my first week in the conference room, waiting for a laptop," he shares. The situation escalated to the point where he decided to resign, highlighting the severe impact of inadequate onboarding on employee retention. "It wasn't just about the laptop; it was about feeling valued and supported," John explains.

Forgotten on Day One

Marie's narrative echoes a common theme of neglect. Arriving at her new job, she discovered that the person responsible for her onboarding was on vacation. "No one else seemed aware or prepared to onboard me," she recalls. Left with a folder of company policies unrelated to her role, Emma felt undervalued and disengaged. "It was as if my role didn't matter to them," she reflects.

The Training Gap

Alex's experience adds another layer to the conversation about onboarding missteps: the critical gap in job-specific training. "I was excited to dive into my new role, but I quickly realized I was expected to swim without being taught how," Alex recounts. Despite being hired for a specialized position, Alex found that there was no structured training plan in place. "I spent my first few days trying to piece together information from scattered documents and outdated videos. It was overwhelming and isolating," he shares.

This lack of initial training not only hampered Alex's ability to perform but also impacted his confidence and engagement. "I felt like I was set up to fail. It's disheartening when you're eager to contribute but can't because you don't have the necessary tools or knowledge," Alex explains. His story highlights a critical oversight in the onboarding process: ensuring new hires are equipped with the job-specific skills and knowledge they need to succeed.

Bridging the Training Gap with heyTrain

Alex's story underscores the need for a more comprehensive approach to onboarding, one that includes tailored, role-specific training from the outset. This is where solutions like heyTrain come into play, offering a platform that enables companies to design and implement personalized training programs. By leveraging the heyTrain platform, companies can ensure that new hires like Alex are not only welcomed and integrated into the company culture but are also equipped with the training and resources they need to thrive in their new roles.

Through these narratives, it's clear that the journey of onboarding is multifaceted, encompassing not just the basics of workspace setup and introductions but also the essential elements of training and role preparation. The experiences shared by Sarah, Michael, John, Emma, and Alex provide a comprehensive view of where onboarding processes often falter, serving as a call to action for companies to reevaluate and enhance their onboarding strategies. With platforms like heyTrain, companies have the opportunity to transform onboarding into a strategic advantage, fostering a welcoming, supportive, and empowering environment for new hires from day one.


The journey of onboarding is fraught with potential pitfalls, but it also offers an opportunity for companies to demonstrate their values, culture, and commitment to their employees. The experiences shared by Sarah, Michael, John, and Emma provide valuable lessons on the impact of onboarding practices. As companies strive to navigate these challenges, platforms like heyTrain play a crucial role in transforming onboarding into a positive, engaging experience that sets the foundation for a successful and fulfilling career path.