From Observing to Acting

Our journey to creating heyTrain began with seeing a problem we couldn’t ignore. Both of us noticed how poor onboarding and a lack of continuous training were common issues at many workplaces. It wasn't just about a day or a week of orientation; it was the ongoing support and growth opportunities that were missing. This wasn't just our story—it was a story shared by many.

We asked ourselves: what if there was a better way? What if companies, especially smaller ones with fewer resources, could easily give their employees a great start and keep supporting them?

Listening to Stories

We didn’t just rely on our experiences. We talked to dozens of companies, big and small. What we found was eye-opening. While big companies might have some processes in place, many of them were still missing the mark on personalization and engagement. Smaller companies, on the other hand, often didn’t have anything in place. Not because they didn’t want to, but because they thought it was too complex, too time-consuming, or just out of reach.

These conversations made it clear: there was a need for something simpler, something that could help any company create their own learning academy without needing a huge budget or an army of developers.

Creating heyTrain

That’s how heyTrain was born. We built our app to help you turn what you already have—like sales presentations, technical docs, and blog posts—into structured, easy-to-navigate training. It’s about making the most of your resources and giving your team learning experiences that are directly relevant to their work.

With heyTrain, creating engaging and personalized training isn’t just possible; it’s simple. Our goal is to make sure that every employee, no matter where they are or what company they’re with, gets the chance to grow and learn from day one.

Why It Matters

For us, heyTrain is more than a tool; it’s a way to change how companies think about and do onboarding and training. We believe that helping your team grow is one of the best investments a company can make. And with heyTrain, we’re making that investment easy, effective, and accessible to all.

Join Us

We’re on a mission to make sure no employee has to go through a bad onboarding experience again, and no company misses out on the chance to support their team’s growth. If you’ve felt the pain of ineffective onboarding or training, we’re here for you.

heyTrain is not just our story; it’s about all of us creating better workplaces together. Let’s make it happen.