Onboarding - A Blueprint for Fixing What's Broken

Onboarding, the initial handshake between employers and employees, is pivotal in setting the tone for a blossoming professional relationship. Yet, in many modern workplaces, this process is marred by inefficiencies and outdated practices, leaving it recognized by many as fundamentally broken.

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Navigating the Maze: Real Stories Uncover the Missteps in Onboarding

In the world of work, first impressions count. The onboarding process is where new hires form their initial impressions of their employer, setting the stage for their engagement, productivity, and tenure with the company. However, as we delved into the experiences of several professionals across industries, a pattern of onboarding missteps emerged, shedding light on the challenges and consequences of poorly executed onboarding practices.

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Why Startups Must Build a Learning Culture

In the startup world, where change is constant, creating a culture that values learning is not just nice to have; it’s crucial. Here’s why fostering a space where learning is a key part of your day-to-day operations can be your startup’s best strategy for growth and success.

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Why Small Companies Need Their Own Internal Academy

For small companies, building an internal academy might seem like a luxury or an extra step that’s nice to have but not essential. However, in today’s fast-paced business world, where skills evolve rapidly and team cohesion is key, having a dedicated platform for onboarding and continuous learning isn’t just a luxury—it’s a necessity. Let’s dive into why creating your own internal academy is a game-changer for small businesses.

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How heyTrain Came to Life: Turning Our Frustration Into a Solution

Starting heyTrain wasn’t just an idea that popped up one day; it was born from real struggles that we, Aziz and Daniel, experienced in our careers. We’ve seen too many talented people leave companies, not because they wanted to, but because their onboarding was a mess. That's why we decided to do something about it.

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